
The Travel Revolution is an all-inclusive travel hacking program that will change your traveling life forever. Contains all Travel Revolution modules: travel hacking free airfare, hotel room upgrades, and more. It all starts with requesting an invitation to watch an introduction lesson, to make sure this is for you and aligns with your travel goals.



The Travel Revolution is an all-inclusive travel hacking program that will change your traveling life forever. Contains all Travel Revolution modules: travel hacking free airfare, hotel room upgrades, and more. It all starts with requesting an invitation to watch an introduction lesson, to make sure this is for you and aligns with your travel goals.




The Travel Revolution is an all-inclusive travel hacking program that will change your traveling life forever. Contains all Travel Revolution modules: travel hacking free airfare, hotel room upgrades, and more. It all starts with requesting an invitation to watch an introduction lesson, to make sure this is for you and aligns with your travel goals.

Upgrade your experiences with flights, hotels, free trips - it’s all inside.

Free Airfare

One of the biggest benefits from my book ‘The Freedom Project‘ is the ability to get on board of aircraft for free or for really cheap. In this program I'll show you exactly how using my accounts.

Hotel Elite Status

Staying in the cheapest hotel possible is not an experience that’s worthwhile remembering. Instead, get the best experience with many extras and benefits included, like free meals, room upgrades and other bonuses.

Free Trips

Simple. As with many things, it’s about having the right kind of involvement and memberships that open doors that otherwise remain closed. I'll show you exactly how.

“I wrote a travel hacking book that explains the theory behind the secrets of travel I have used to explore the world and fly for free. This course takes the next step and takes you step-by-step through the programs and services I use. I will show you how I book airfare, hotels, and much more.”
- Wilko van de Kamp, bestselling author and creator of the Travel Revolution

Watch the Video

Before you decide to sign up, take a few minutes to watch the introduction lesson, to make sure this is for you and aligns with your travel goals.


I've used these principles to trave all over the world and Ive visited nearly every continent on our beautiful planet - meeting many inspiring people and uncovering new cultures. Finding the next destination is simple. Getting there is as well. We often get rewarded with completely free trips. As with many things it’s about having the right kind of involvements and memberships that open doors that otherwise remain closed. I'll show you exactly how.

Need Some Help Getting Free Airfare? 

I've used the travel hacking principles from my book to trave all over the world. One of the biggest things from my book ‘The Freedom Project‘ is the ability to get on board of aircrafts for free, or for really cheap. You can learn to do this for yourself using my book, but for those who like to get results fast - In my travel hacking course I'll show you exactly how.


Why I Feel Like The Luckiest Guy In The Sky

After traveling over a large portion of the world well before the age of thirty the travel bug really got to me. It caught me by surprise, as traveling wasn’t something I was used to while growing up. I don’t think I crossed any borders as a child. My first international travels were probably the trips I took to France and Germany in my early twenties. That sounds pretty exotic from a North American perspective, but since I grew up in Europe those were mostly short day trips by car. After my first plane trip to one of the Spanish islands I realized how much I loved traveling. I started to do more and more of it: both personally, and later on even for work. By now, I think it’s safe to say I’ve seen some of the most beautiful places of this earth, and a lot remains to be explored on future travels. There’s always something new to see, and I’m surprised how I discover a new favorite place on every trip.

Getting To Where You Want To Be

The biggest hurdle in traveling is to actually get to the destination. I’m forced to spend hours in an air-pressured cabin to get to where I want to be. For that reason alone some people choose to not travel at all, simply because they either hate or are too afraid of the experience of flying. Whoever said that it’s not about the destination but about the journey probably either likes flying a lot or has never seen the inside of an actual airplane. “The goal justifies the means”, seems more appropriate when it comes to boarding economy class airplanes.  

Personally, I don’t mind flying. It’s a great way to physically remove myself from everyday life on this planet. Seeing the world, with all its problems and worries, reduced to ant-sized creatures, puts things in a great perspective somehow. This is why I still appreciate the simple pleasure of having a cup of coffee at 30,000 feet (as well as those airlines who pride themselves in serving decent coffee). If you have a low caffeine tolerance and are planning to get some sleep on your next overnight flight, you might want to pass on the coffee as well as the alcoholic refreshments, since caffeine, alcohol and medication are typically doubled in strength thanks to the altitude and air pressure. That applies to sleeping pills, too. In my case, coffee soothes me so I’ll sleep better after a hot cup of Joe. I guess I enjoy the simple things in life, especially when those simple things are offered to me high up in the sky, in a seat I got for practically free.  

Crack The Code And Fly For Free

After spending most of my life savings in exploring this planet, and spending the rest of it on a transatlantic move to Canada, I thought I was done traveling for a while. That idea didn’t really appeal to me. There’s so much more out there to see. One of the reasons for moving to Canada was to explore North America more. Doing that from a North American base seemed like a good idea at the time. With little savings left after the move, I was determined to crack the “code” and fly for free, or at least really cheap.  

The good news is, that it’s actually possible to get on board of a plane and pay nothing or next to nothing for the ticket. It’s been just about 5 years since I last paid for an airline ticket, and in that time period I’ve been able to travel all over North America, South America and Asia. And I even managed to squeeze a trip to the homeland in there, which adds Europe to my list of continents I’ve traveled to in just the last couple of years only.  

The concept I apply to fly for free is generally referred to as “travel hacking”, but that makes it sound much more complicated than it actually is. I tried to follow the principles of travel hacking for a while, and found it took a lot of time and effort, with very limited results. Maybe I just wasn’t dedicated enough or too lazy to really make it work. Anyway, my method is simpler, easier, and best of all: it can be followed by anyone. It doesn’t cost anything to get started, and if I can do it anyone can. 

How It Works

I wrote an entire book about my travel hacking principles, but the one question I keep getting is about the magical free airfare. I’ve even seen people post quotes and images on social media stating, “If travel were free you’d never see me again”. Well, I replied, it is, and if I can do it anyone can. Most of them are still where they were when they posted their wishful status. So, I’m not going to give all the insights from my book away in this post, but I’ll uncover the tip of the iceberg in the preview video. In the video, I'll share the golden rules of travel hacking, and help you get a free roundtrip flight anywhere in North America for starters.

Business Class: Why Not? 

For example, I’ve flown from Canada all the way to South America for only $150 in taxes. When I got to the airport, the check-in lady asked me if I wanted to upgrade to Business Class, and she offered me a Business Class seat for only $135. Needless to say I took that option, so for a total of 300 dollars I flew Business Class from Canada all the way to South America. The guy sitting beside me in Business Class was ranting about the fact that he paid over $3000 for that very same seat, same level of service, same everything.  

Your Turn: Fly For Free

Learn how to get on board of airplanes with free or deeply discounted tickets, business or economy class. You choose where to go and how to fly. In the Fly For Free module of my Travel Revolution course I share step by step how I implemented the travel hacking principles from my book The Freedom Project. Using screen recordings of my own accounts, I show you exactly how I go about booking free and deeply discounted airfare. Start with a complimentary preview today - and you'll be one step closer to your next destination.

Need Some Help Getting Upgraded?

Staying in the cheapest hotel possible is not the experience that’s worthwhile remembering. I hardly ever stay in the room category I booked - hotels always upgrade me to something nicer. Quite often much nicer than what I paid for. Instead of shopping for the lowest price, learn how to get the best experience with many extras and benefits included, like free meals, room upgrades and other bonuses.


Why I Never Stay In The Hotel Room I Booked

Ever realized that hotels make money by selling the same room at multiple price levels to different people? Read that again, and you’ll realize the travel industry has been using their profit maximization schemes against us travelers for years. And they’ll continue to do that. I don’t mind…

The Large Fine Print

Now you have that knowledge of hotels making money by selling the same room at multiple price levels to different people - it’s time to turn the tables. If you know the room is sold at varying price levels, why not get the one that’s well below average.  

AND – why not leverage elite membership levels to get UPGRADED to the best room of the house on check-in, even if you booked a “normal” room.  

I Do This All The Time

I literally do this all the time. It’s been years since I’ve stayed in the actual room I had booked. It always gets better. Usually there’s an envelope waiting for me with some complimentary meal or show tickets… and if I can do this, anyone can.  

I’m featuring the third and final module of my Travel Revolution course today, in which I share how to upgrade your travels with access to insider hotel rates and best kept secrets of the travel industry. You’ll understand how you can upgrade your experience in hotels around the world.  

HOW? Click here and let me show you. Access to the first video is complimentary. 

Why I never stay in the cheapest hotel room

Staying in the cheapest hotel possible is often not the experience that’s worthwhile remembering, but yet a lot of travel agents have issues selling the better hotel rooms and asking for a little more money. My travel agent hardly ever gets me the cheapest rate; instead they get me the best experience with many extras and benefits included, like free meals, upgrades and other bonuses. If you take those into consideration, some of my stays weren’t only free, but I actually made a profit by staying at a high-end hotel, even though my initial payment was higher than when I would have stayed in a cheaper place across the street.  

The real value of something has very little to do with the price tag that’s associated with it. Remember the last time you went shopping, and found exactly what you wanted at a price that was well below what you had imagined you would pay. We call that a “good deal”, because we think the dollar amount is less than expected. The real value has nothing to do with the dollars, but with the idea that you wanted that item to begin with. The value is in what that item means to you. It’s not about the lesser amount, it’s about the higher value you associated with it that makes you want it.

Your Turn

I did it – and so can you. The question I have for you is: Will you? And where would you go? Watch this video - and you'll be one step closer to your next destination.  


Does this all sound too good to be true? Looking for "the catch"? Look no further - we have answers. We called this program the Travel Revolution for a reason: it'll revolutionize the way you think about travel. You could be missing out on massive opportunities to see the world in a way you never thought possible. Request an invitation to see for yourself - or read below for more details on the most common questions we got.


Travel “hacking”, to some, sounds illegal. If you were to hack a bank’s computer for example, you could find yourself behind bars for a significant portion of your time on this planet. Obviously, when you’re trying to see the world ending up behind bars is not what I’m trying to do.  

What I teach in my travel hacking course is perfectly legal – and the travel industry loves me for it. I’ve often been upgraded to business class (for free or for a very minimal fee), and I can’t remember the last time I’ve actually stayed in the room category I booked: hotels always upgrade me. Watch the preview video and see for yourself what I do.


There seems to be a misconception out in the world about travel and the money we pay for it. There are permanent nomads who claim to “travel” all the time. They tend to sleep on other people’s couches, camper vans or hostels. On the other end of the spectrum is the belief that travel is expensive. A friend once told me she was saving for a trip to Germany with her son, and her savings goal was 20,000 (!) dollars to turn that dream into a reality.  

I’m not (at all) about cheap travel. I usually enjoy staying in luxury properties around the world. You don’t need a lot of money to travel well. Read that again. The key is to travel well. I’ve stayed in hostels before, and there’s no shame in that. But there is a time in life to enjoy the finer things. It’s up to you to decide when that time starts.


No. Forget about timeshares. I don't own one and have met very few people who enjoy their timeshare ownership. Their sales tactics lure people in with "free" show tickets and other "perks". But in exchange you have to spend your vacation time in a high pressured sales presentation of timeshare properties. My time is precious, and I don't waste my time like that. I strongly recommend you don't do either. 


Some also think that travel hacking is nothing more but to organize your bag a certain way. I’d be happy to share my packing tips with you, but that has nothing to do with real travel hacking. Travel hacking is to take advantage of certain memberships, promotions and tactics to leverage the travel industry to get what you want, in a way that is a win-win for everyone.


Still looking for the "catch"? Don't believe you deserve to upgrade the level of travel you're experiencing in your life? Have a look on the other side - just request an invitation and we'll send you a note when a spot in our program opens up. 


Wilko van de Kamp

Bestselling author Wilko van de Kamp wrote travel hacking book "The Freedom Project" that explains the theory behind the secrets of travel he has used to explore the world, and fly for free. This course takes the next step, and takes you step-by-step through ALL the programs and services he uses. He will literally show you how to book airfare, hotels, and much more. 

After traveling over a large portion of the world well before the age of thirty the travel bug really got to me. 

It caught me by surprise, as traveling wasn’t something I was used to while growing up. I don’t think I crossed any borders as a child. My first international travels were probably the trips I took to France and Germany in my early twenties. That sounds pretty exotic from a North American perspective, but since I grew up in Europe those were mostly short day trips by car. After my first plane trip to one of the Spanish islands I realized how much I loved traveling. I started to do more and more of it: both personally, and later on even for work. By now, I think it’s safe to say I’ve seen some of the most beautiful places of this earth, and a lot remains to be explored on future travels. There’s always something new to see, and I’m surprised how I discover a new favorite place on every trip.

Travel hacking: I did it – and so can you. The question is, will you?